Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Remove unwanted Confluence macro auto conversion

Confluence is widely used as a wiki platform for companies to document their internal knowledge. It also has a large collection of macros to help make the content more interactive, for example, embedding other documents, spreadsheets, videos, lists, tables, status, etc. Sometimes it can even detect your typing and automatically convert things into macros, although it may not be what you always want.

For example, I want to make a link to a Google Presentation in my page, so I pasted in the URL to that presentation, but then Confluence recognizes the URL and automatically convert it into a Google Slide macro and it is now a GIANT block showing the content of the slides, breaking the page layout, and there seems to be no way to stop that auto conversion. Frustrating ...

To workaround, instead of pasting the link directly into the editor, create a link macro by highlighting some text and clicking the "Insert Link" icon in the editor's toolbar, and then you can paste in the URL into the dialog that pops up, this way it will remain a link and not the block showing actual slides.



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