I use iTerm2 in Mac OSX as a replacement for built-in terminal, and it is pretty handy. I like that I can split a single window into multiple panes and run different cmds and observe outputs simultaneously, for example, starting different services and watching the logs. It saves me some time to otherwise align or locate multiple terminal windows constantly. There are of course many other benefits of iTerm2.
Today, I was switching between Chrome and iTerm2 feverishly to test something out, and all the sudden iTerm2 entered into a mode where my typings got sent to all panes instead of just the one I was interacting. This might be a useful feature, but not now. So what's going on and how can I get back?
It turns out this mode is activated via a "⌘Command + ⇧Shift + i" or "Shell -> Broadcast Input -> ... ". You know very well that the same keyboard shortcut in browser is used to bring out the "Developer Tools". So I probably hit this shortcut in the iTerm2 instead of browser by accident. To get back, just hit the same shortcut again, or use the menu.
Ok, back to work ...
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