Thursday, January 19, 2017

Customize User Authentication in Grails

In a Grails project, I need to implement an additional authentication mechanism - username plus a short-lived authentication token that the app knows how to decode and verify. The route allows (a 2nd app) login on behalf of a user, without knowing his/her password, as long as there is pre-agreement on secure token generation (This might sound strange, but that's another separate topic, think poorman's single sign on).

Spring Security is complicated, and Grails adds another layer of opacity to it. For this to happen in Grails, we need to

  1. create a AuthenticationProvider that defines the customized authentication logic.
  2. create a AuthenticationProcessingFilter that defines in what condition such authentication should be activated.

Here are the details:

  1. In order to have your own authentication, you need a AuthenticationProvider public class AppUserAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider { @Override public boolean supports(Class authentication) { return (AppUserAuthenticationToken.class.isAssignableFrom(authentication)); } @Override protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication) throws AuthenticationException { String name = authentication.getName() String key = (String) authentication.getCredentials() if (key == null) { logger.debug("App Authentication failed: no credentials provided"); throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage( "AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"), userDetails); } // customized logic to validate the username and authentication token if (! AppAuthConnector.validateAppKey(name, key)) { logger.debug("App Authentication failed: app_auth_key is invalid"); throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage( "AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"), userDetails); } } } public class AppUserAuthenticationToken extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken { public AppUserAuthenticationToken(String username, String key) { super(username, key); } public AppUserAuthenticationToken(UserDetails principal, String credentials) { super(principal, credentials, principal.getAuthorities()); } }

    Note here the customized Provider did not override

    public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { }

    but rather

    protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication) throws AuthenticationException { }

    The later is one of many steps inside authenticate() method, and authenticate() also includes some default checks that I want to inherit, for example preAuthenticationChecks and postAuthenticationChecks, to check if user account credential has expired, user is locked, disabled, or expired. If we simply override authenticate() without properly implementing these checks, our customized authentication will introduce loopholes, for example allowing an expired user to login from that 2nd app.

  2. Register this provider as a bean so it can be used later, in file grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { ... appUserAuthenticationProvider(AppUserAuthenticationProvider) { userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService') } }
  3. Register this provider bean with Spring, in file grails-app/conf/Config.groovy grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames = [ 'appUserAuthenticationProvider', 'daoAuthenticationProvider', 'rememberMeAuthenticationProvider’]
  4. Now the provider is set, we need to define when to activate this authentication path. In my case I want this authentication mechanism to work for any request, as long as there are two parameters 'app_username', ‘app_key’ in the URL or in request header. We need a AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter that can intercept the processing: public class AppUserAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter { public AppUserAuthenticationFilter() { // the matcher will detect the presence of URL parameters super(new AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher()) // what to do after the authentication is successful setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(new AppUserAuthenticationSuccessHandler()) } @Override public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws AuthenticationException, IOException, ServletException { String key = AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getKey(req) String username = AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getName(req) return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(new AppUserAuthenticationToken(username, key)) } } class AppUserAuthenticationSuccessHandler extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler { @Override public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException { clearAuthenticationAttributes(request) request.getRequestDispatcher(request.getServletPath()).forward(request, response) } public class AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher { public static final String APP_AUTH_NAME = "app_username" public static final String APP_AUTH_KEY = "app_key" public boolean matches(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) { String uri = request.getRequestURI() if(uri != null && AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getKey(request) != null && AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getName(request) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static String getRequestParam(HttpServletRequest request, String param) { String k = request.getParameter(param); if(k == null) { String hn = "X-" + param; k = request.getHeader(hn); } return k; } public static String getKey(HttpServletRequest request) { return AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getRequestParam(request, AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.APP_AUTH_KEY); } public static String getName(HttpServletRequest request) { return AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.getRequestParam(request, AppUserAuthenticationRequestMatcher.APP_AUTH_NAME); } }
  5. Register this filter as a bean, in file grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy beans = { ... appUserAuthenticationFilter(AppUserAuthenticationFilter) { sessionAuthenticationStrategy = ref('sessionAuthenticationStrategy') authenticationManager = ref('authenticationManager') authenticationFailureHandler = ref('authenticationFailureHandler') rememberMeServices = ref('rememberMeServices') authenticationDetailsSource = ref('authenticationDetailsSource') } }
  6. activate the filter during the bootstrap, in grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy class BootStrap { def init = { servletContext -> ... SpringSecurityUtils.clientRegisterFilter('appUserAuthenticationFilter', SecurityFilterPosition.SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER.order + 10) }

That should do it. Enjoy!

Even with Grails' "Convention over Configuration" paradigm, aimed at simplify the coding, there is still a high learning curve to do get in the groove of it, especially if you want to something different from the default. The layers are thick, and the magic is ever more mysterious. The root cause is the enormous amount of flexibility the framework is trying to offer - every little decision is wrapped up and ready to be swapped out.

Reference: Grails Custom AuthenticationProvider by Kali Kallin.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

<? super T> and <? extends T> in Java

Today, I came across some Java code from a Java library we used, as with many framework/library code bases, it contains lots of Generics, Collections, and Type Wildcards (?). For example: <? super T> and <? extends T> or public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list) The syntax is complex, and it prompted me to study further the wildcard of Generic types. Thanks to Google and Stack Overflow, the online material is good.

In my own words, which is less precise than in these articles, but maybe easier to understand:

  • If you need to only read through a data structure, declare it with extends, as it can guarantee the object type, and you will be type safe when using the objects.
  • If you need a data structure that allow to put objects into it, then declare it with super, as it allows more type flexibility.

This code example helps show both cases (copied from Generics FAQ):

public class Collections { public static <T> void copy ( List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) { // bounded wildcard parameterized types for (int i=0; i<src.size(); i++) dest.set(i,src.get(i)); } }

As you can see, the src list is declared as extends, since you only need to read from it (get), and the dest list is declared as super, as you need to write to it (set).
